The Benefits of a Mobile App For Your Business

1. Provide Additional Incentives To Your Customers 2. Increase Profits 3. Stand Out Above Your Competition. Read on to get more info!

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As we all know, smart phones have taken the world by storm.  Roughly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone and are constantly surfing the internet or interacting with their favorite apps.  This has caused many big name companies like McDonald’s and Domino’s to create apps to get better engagement with their customers.  

However, even though lots of big companies are following this trend, it does not mean that small to mid-size companies shouldn’t.  It is a common misconception that only large corporations should be creating mobile apps. More and more of these smaller companies are creating apps because they understand that to have a very effective mobile strategy, it can require more than just a mobile friendly website.  

Although there are countless advantages to building a mobile app for your business, I am going to give you my top three reasons:

  1. Provide Additional Incentives To Your Customers
  2. Increase Profits
  3. Stand Out Above Your Competition



One of the easiest ways to ensure the happiness of your customers is to provide incentives.  For example, if you are offering something at a discount, it will get your customer’s attention and likely garner a positive response.  With a mobile app that is built specifically for your business, you can provide incentives in many ways that will keep your customers coming back and continually engaged.

One of the best ways to incentivize is by using a loyalty program. Using this, you can nudge clients to your app to purchase your products or services.  If your customers get rewarded for using your app, they will continue to use it, therefore continuing their business with you.

Another huge benefit of using Mobile Apps are push notifications. These allow you to alert all customers who have downloaded the app simultaneously.  Have a limited time promotion?  Releasing new products or services and want to spread the word?  All of this and so much more can be very easily achieved with push notifications.



As much as we’d all love to have a monopoly on the industry we are a part of, it just isn’t going to happen.  All industries have to deal with competitors and constantly need to be looking for ways to get the upper hand.  A great way to attain this is through Mobile Apps.  

Since there aren’t many smaller companies with mobile apps, you will stand out above the rest and give customers additional incentive to choose your business. With a well designed and developed app, you can target customers exactly how you see fit and give them a reason to choose you over your competitors.



When the user experience increases, sales typically follow. Making your customers feel comfortable is key to increasing user interaction, and a mobile app is a great way to accomplish this. With a mobile app, you can make it easier than ever for your customers to purchase your goods and services.

While having a mobile friendly website is also very important, most mobile users are accustomed to a certain level of simplicity, and an app is the best way to achieve this. Once your customers are able to purchase goods and services with ease and on the go, profits will increase.

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About the Author
Picture of Cody Dillon
Cody Dillon

Cody Dillon is the owner of Bimeo Digital Solutions, previously Be More Innovations.

A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Cody is specialized in digital marketing, app development, and SEO strategies. He has worked as an App Developer, Lead Android Developer, and is co-founder and developer of WARP Lab.

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Picture of Cody Dillon
Cody Dillon

Cody Dillon is the owner of Bimeo Digital Solutions, previously Be More Innovations.

A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Cody is specialized in digital marketing, app development, and SEO strategies. He has worked as an App Developer, Lead Android Developer, and is co-founder and developer of WARP Lab.